As our First Prize winners, they will receive a $100 gift card courtesy of Fuel – Bistro, Coffee & Bar and a pair of movie passes courtesy of The Triplex Cinema.

Congratulations to our Second Place Winners Stella & Emmett!
As our Second Place winners, they will receive a $75 gift card courtesy of Juju’s and a pair of movie passes courtesy of The Triplex Cinema.

Congratulations to our Third Place Winners Nick & Alex!
As our Third Place winners, they will receive a pair of movie passes courtesy of The Triplex Cinema and a Goodie Bag.

Prizes will be awarded at the front desk of the Shopper’s Guide office located at 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Downtown Great Barrington, MA. Office hours are 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday. The Shopper’s Guide office is accessible from the Main Street entrance, through the atrium we share with TD Bank and Barnbrook Realty.